Self Motivation Skills

How to build good habits naturally

How to build good habits naturally

Systematic optimization of training habits

How to build good habits naturally, without pain, without effort, according to the situation? Let’s see if we’re willing to do one more thing. In essence, it is a game between power and resistance. If the power is greater than the resistance, they will do it. If the resistance is greater, they will not bother to do it. Resistance, as we know, is not a lack of willpower, but a lot of it is due to the inertia of the brain, the underlying principle of stability, that it will follow the same path as before. Any change is a break from stability and will cause rejection and discomfort. Every day to eat fried chicken burgers, suddenly to eat diet meals, every day to watch drama brush variety, suddenly read a book to learn, this time the brain is wondering, what happened, let him so abuse himself. I need to get him back on his feet, so the right thing to do is not to push yourself first, but to minimize resistance first. Start with the simplest of little actions. For example, starting a business doesn’t start by throwing money at a team, developing a product, and developing a market. This is too blind and easy to fail. You start with a simple idea, then figure out how to make it happen, and then hire when you don’t have enough people. Expand the production when the products are popular, and improve the support department when the team becomes bigger. In other words, a complex system is not designed but is slowly optimized. You can also use this method to develop habits. Open Mind calls this method system optimization.

Steps to optimize and build habits

The first step, setting the framework, is the initial idea. It could be addressing a pain point, like wanting to lose weight. It can also be to achieve a certain goal, such as developing a reading habit and practicing good oral English. Different from specific quantitative goals, the framework here is more like the picture and scene after the realization of the goals. Just like I made a reading plan before, I asked myself how many books to read in a month, so that I read books every day as if to catch up with the schedule, 50 pages today, 60 pages tomorrow, and pursued the quantity without caring whether I absorbed the knowledge. As a result, though I have read several books, I seem to have read nothing at all. Quantifying goals oversimplifies the problem. Let us have a kind of quantity to solve the problem illusion, this is called the counter trap, which often is the accumulation of quantity, can not reach the qualitative change, and also does not want to adhere. The real purpose of reading a book may be to expand your knowledge and learn a certain skill, not to finish several books. The real purpose of fitness may be to improve physical fitness and lifestyle habits, rather than situational goals such as how much weight we lose, to clarify the results we want, and to shift our mindset from how much we have to do to what we can do.

The second step is to build the system. With a concrete framework in place, there is no rush to make detailed plans. Instead, start with a system that is as simple as possible, preferably one step, to minimize resistance and make you embarrassed not to take action. For example, if you want to learn about psychology or economics, find a book that is relevant to your topic. Instead of forcing yourself to do pages or hours each day, use the few minutes after a meal before you go to bed to flip through them. Another example is fitness. To improve your health, try jogging for a few minutes after getting up. This has two advantages. One is that there is no pressure, there is no rejection, and because of the stability of the brain, it doesn’t stop so fast when it starts. The second is that the daily routine acts as a good cue. Eating, sleeping, and getting up is like triggers. At this point, you think of reading and running. When reading, you can think more about the notes you make. When running, you can feel the changes in your body. You don’t force yourself and don’t look into the number. Try this for a week.

The third step is to enhance and enhance. With the 2nd action, we can enhance and enhance from 2 elements. Initially, we can consider just what does it cost? discrepancy the present system has from our objectives. Ways to adapt to obtain better to the objective. 2nd, can energy and time assist the present rhythm and strategy? Do you have to decrease the stress, or can you enhance it quickly? The concept is to obtain your mind utilized to the procedure. Take the over 2 instances, you wish to know the impacts of psychology on the state of mind and memory, however reviewing mental conditions is not suitable, have to change the instructions. You have to enhance your physical problem, and you discover that you feel much far better after a week, you run simpler, you can enhance your strength, or you can consume appropriately. By producing little modifications, the mind does not believe we’re abusing ourselves, and it is more responsive. Eventually, he obtains comfy in his present function, you can take an action additional and obtain him a bit comfier. Similarly, we can gradually obtain better the objective we wish to accomplish, and this procedure is not a determination, but an all-natural outcome.

Finally, let’s conclude that developing good habits is never about going against your instincts. The more you push yourself, the less you stick to it. It has nothing to do with willpower, so don’t use the excuse that willpower is limited. The difference between us and the gods is our habits. If you want to be like a god, you just need to give yourself a specific scenario goal and then build a simple system, and then do a little bit of optimization, until the goal becomes a habit.

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